How to customize team performance metrics with DevDynamics' goal-setting feature

How to customize team performance metrics with DevDynamics' goal-setting feature

Understanding your dev team's time management is crucial for achieving goals. DevDynamics helps by breaking down your team's work into clear categories and setting custom goals to meet your specific needs.

Tailor your metrics to match your team’s style and objectives. It's not just about numbers but making those numbers meaningful for your team's success. Here's how to set and benefit from custom goals for your work breakdown metrics.

Why custom goals matter

Let’s start with why you might want to set your own goals in the first place. Predefined benchmarks are like buying a suit off the rack. It might fit okay, but it’s never quite perfect. With Custom Goal Feature, you can tailor these metrics to fit your team’s unique style and objectives. They let you define what progress looks like on your own terms.

Aligning with your team's objectives

Imagine your team is at a fast-growing startup. You’re all about rapid innovation, right? So, you’d probably set higher targets for New Work to keep that momentum going. Or perhaps you’re with a more established company focusing on stability and quality. Here, you’d likely aim to reduce Rework and increase Refactoring. DevDynamics lets you align these metrics precisely with your team’s and organization’s goals, making your benchmarks truly meaningful.

Breaking down the work breakdown metrics

Now, let’s talk about the nuts and bolts, what exactly are these Work Breakdown metrics.

1. New work (Green): This is the fresh, shiny code that adds new features or functionalities. A high percentage here means your team is moving forward and innovating.

2. Rework (Red): Think of this as the fixer-upper code. It’s what you rewrite or fix, often due to bugs or changing requirements. Keeping rework low is a sign of smooth, efficient development.

3. Refactor (Blue): This is the polish and cleanup. It’s about improving code quality and readability without changing its functionality. Regular refactoring keeps your codebase clean and maintainable.

4. Help others (Yellow): This one’s about teamwork. It measures the code updated by someone other than the original author, showing how your team collaborates and shares knowledge.

Visualizing work breakdown

Our dashboards show these metrics in a handy stacked bar chart. You’ll see the distribution over time, weeks, months, whatever period you choose. The horizontal axis is your timeline, and the vertical axis shows the percentage of each work type. It’s a quick, clear way to see where your team’s energy is going and spot any areas that need a little more love and attention.

Setting custom goals on your dashboards

Setting these custom goals is easy. Just head over to your dashboard settings, and you can tweak the benchmarks for each category: New Work, Rework, Refactoring, and Helping Others to fit your team’s needs.

Practical use cases

Here’s how you might use this:

1. Innovative Teams: If your team is all about pushing the envelope with new features, you might set a higher target for New Work. It shows you’re committed to moving forward and keeping things fresh.

2. Quality-Oriented Teams: Maybe your focus is on top-notch, bug-free code. In that case, setting lower rework goals and higher refactoring targets can help maintain a high standard of quality.

3. Collaborative Teams: If collaboration is your thing, aiming for a higher Helping Others percentage encourages more cross-team support and sharing. It’s all about fostering a culture of helping out and learning from each other.

Keeping your goals dynamic

Goals should never be static. They need to evolve as your team grows and your projects change. Regularly reviewing and adjusting your custom goals keeps them relevant and helps your team stay on track.

Continuous improvement with custom goals

Think of this as a cycle. You set goals, work towards them, gather feedback, and tweak them as needed. It’s an ongoing process that promotes continuous improvement and adaptability.

Feedback and adaptation

And speaking of feedback, don’t forget to listen to your team. They’re the ones doing the work, so their insights are invaluable. If they feel the goals aren’t quite right, be open to making changes. After all, these goals are there to support them, not the other way around.

Leveraging API-based analysis for real-time insights

Now, here’s a cool thing about how we do analysis. Unlike some other services that copy code to a server and analyze it there, we use APIs to do the analysis right on your machine. This has some big perks:

1. Real-time processing: You get immediate feedback and insights because the analysis happens on the spot, not somewhere far away.

2. Enhanced security: Your data stays on your machine, reducing risks associated with transferring and storing sensitive information on external servers.

3. Increased efficiency: This method minimizes latency and makes the whole process faster and smoother.


With DevDynamics, setting custom goals for your Work Breakdown metrics is all about giving you the flexibility to define success in a way that’s meaningful to your team. Whether you’re pushing the boundaries of innovation, ensuring top notch quality, or fostering a collaborative environment, our tools help you tailor your approach to meet your unique needs.

Plus, our API based real-time analysis keeps your data processing fast and secure, right on your machine. This means you get the insights you need, when you need them, without compromising on security or efficiency.

So, take advantage of DevDynamics features to set goals that truly resonate with your team. Watch as they become more aligned, motivated, and efficient, working towards success that’s defined by what really matters to them.

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