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Straight Talk and Smart Strategies for Today's Software Leaders

Season 2 Episode 2

How to boost engg teams' efficiency without increasing headcount with Shira

Shira Haddad explores the shift from traditional engineering methods to modern, agile frameworks. Learn strategies for resource allocation and optimizing team performance in smaller, distributed teams.

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Season 2 Episode 1

Engineering productivity is not just about velocity with Nathan Dench

Nathan Dench discusses achieving true productivity in engineering projects. He shares his journey from founding startups to balancing speed and quality at ProcurePro, offering valuable lessons for engineering leaders to optimize their teams' output.

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Episode 10

Building trust in Engineering teams with Sundi Myint

Join Sundi, Engineering Manager at Cars Commerce, as she dives into her journey from software engineer to management, her passion for Elixir, and her insights on fostering team collaboration and decision-making in tech.

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Episode 9

Talking Team Health and Tech Leadership with Brad Taylor

Dive into tech leadership with Brad Taylor as he discusses driving technological and team success in health and climate tech sectors.

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Episode 8

Insider tips on engg leadership with tech veteran Hunter Powers

Hunter Powers discusses his evolution from coder to tech leader and the role of AI in engineering on the Engineering Success Podcast. Get insights into effective leadership and the importance of staying ahead in tech.

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Episode 7

Agtech Engineering, AI & leadership with Anton Zaides

Explore Anton's journey from game developer to ag-tech leader and how he integrates AI into agriculture on this episode of the Engineering Success Podcast.

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Episode 6

How to build 10x engineering teams: Mitch Pirtle

Mitch Pirtle shares insights on building effective engineering teams, balancing strategy and technology, and the evolving role of AI in engineering management.

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Episode 5

Aligning Engineering Goals with Business Outcomes: Sebastiano Armeli

Looking at how engineering leaders can work with business goals, manage teams remotely, and focus on results when building their teams with Sebastiano

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Episode 4

Engineering Management, Culture, and the Future of Tech Leadership beyond the ZIRP era: Shreyas Balakrishna

Shreyas shares his insights on engineering management challenges and strategies for high-performance and culture in tech.

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Episode 3

Engineering the Future: Leadership and Innovation in the AI Era with Manas

Gain practical insights on software leadership in the age of AI advancement. Essential for engineering leaders aiming to align technical prowess with business objectives.

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Episode 2

A Software Leader's Guide to Fintech: Navigating Technology and Team Dynamics

Get practical insights on leading in fintech, how to merge tech expertise with business goals and manage teams that innovate and excel. It's a must-read for anyone aiming to be a Tech leader in Fintech.

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Episode 1

Engineering Leadership : Transition from Silicon Valley to India's Tech

Explore leadership insights with Sarvesh Devi. Learn about teamwork across the US and India, managing AI projects, and fostering innovation. Dive in to enhance your leadership skills!

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